
Well, February has been a full one so far!

I did not expect that between the car shuffling, teaching and lesson planning, Mom’s Club, family time, friends time, and trying to keep the house in relative order, I would also accidentally make pancakes.

Oops! (Image by ugod on Flickr.com)

How does one accidentally make pancakes? I’m so glad you asked.

It all started when I used Amanda’s recipe for leftover oatmeal muffins. I’ve made these muffins several times and it’s a great little recipe.

Among other things, it calls for half a cup of milk. Except reading the recipe on my tablet, the line break came between the 1/ and the 2. So I didn’t see the 1/ – only the 2. And so I added 2 cups of milk. Four times the amount of milk I should have added. So my choice was then to quadruple the recipe and be up baking all night and fill up the freezer with a huge excess of muffins, or toss the whole thing. Booo!

But then I thought, hey, it looks kinda like pancake batter. So I quick Googled it and landed on Martha Stewart’s basic pancake recipe. Lo and behold, the flour/leavener/liquid ratio was just about the same as the mess in my own mixing bowl. Turns out the chief difference between muffins and pancakes is the amount of liquid. Cool!

So I made pancakes. At something like 8pm. After the first one, I decided to add .25C flour to the remainder of the batter, and I was very pleased with the results. J and my dad helped make them as we juggled Minnie’s bath time, diaper, pjs, etc. We saved the leftovers in the fridge and they reheated beautifully in the toaster oven. Minnie was a fan, too.

And that, my friends, is how you can accidentally make pancakes.